Countries like Mexico, which is the second largest economy in Latin America and the tenth largest export economy in the world, Mexico is in full growth, where this year, for example, its economy has expanded by more than 2.5%. Mexico has a diverse economy, with its capital, Mexico City, standing out, capable of offering a wide range of professional opportunities and new jobs in Mexico right now. In the world of work, opportunities can be found in areas as diverse as sales, finance, marketing, etc., having a workforce that is gradually adapting to the needs and characteristics of the offer of large companies.
Courses for work
Our students have found that programs like Excel or PowerBi have been the most important and necessary once they have been in their workplace, both in their English and Spanish versions. Your choice will be to consider whether you need the English or Spanish option, even if your native language is Spanish, international companies will always ask for most of their programs in the English version.
The Mexican economy
Regarding the country’s strategy, Mexico is focused on continuing future growth in most relevant sectors, with growth of 3.1% in 2022 after a sharp drop due to Covid in 2022, employment and GDP levels have been successfully recovered. Future growth must bring changes in access to finance, insecurity, and regulatory burdens, so that more national and international companies continue to expand and grow within the country.
Jobs in Mexico
The population, for its part, has been able to adapt to the latest market trends, gradually breaking down all the monopolies that made the less qualified workforce less able to adapt to market changes. As for students, they are increasingly international, and are expanding throughout all Latin American countries. Academic training has been key, and adaptation to international programs, as we mentioned before, as well. You can find Excel courses in Spanish here.